Individual Referral Selling Masters Program

I’m a business owner, salesperson, and sales manager. So, I’m pretty sure I know how you feel—a bit overwhelmed with all you need to do to attract and retain customers. Whether you’re a solopreneur, salesperson, or CEO of a small business, you feel the constant push/pull between getting new clients, working with existing customers, managing social media, and staying in touch with everyone (which can seem like an unending task). I’ve faced these challenges and more.

While I can’t help you add hours to your day, I do know the secret to more effective and efficient prospecting.
Business owners tell me their biggest challenges are to:

 Get every meeting at the level that counts—with actual decision-makers
 Generate a consistent stream of qualified sales leads without cold calling
 Spend more time growing the business and less time in the weeds
 Accelerate sales while aggressively managing costs

The answer: Referral selling is the #1 way to skyrocket your sales and boost both top- and bottom-line performance. When you receive referral introductions to your prospects, you:

  Get meetings with decision-makers in one call
  Decrease your prospecting time by at least 30 percent
 Dramatically reduce your cost of sales
  Ace out the competition
  Convert prospects into clients at least 50 percent of the time (usually more than 70 percent)
  Write more business with only your ideal clients

Perhaps you think referral selling seems like too much work, or you don’t consider yourself a salesperson. You’ve even thought about hiring a salesperson with “a rolodex” (an expensive and speculative solution). Delete that thought. You can’t abdicate your responsibility as the spokesperson for your company. You have long-standing and trusted relationships with clients, peers, and colleagues. It’s time to put those connections to work!

Clients tell me that when they commit to referral selling and build the necessary skill sets, their results are immediate and remarkable. They finally have a clear path and a referral plan with metrics and action steps.

Now it’s your turn.

Your Individual Masters Program

I created the Individual Referral Selling Masters Program with you in mind—business owners and salespeople who want to learn a fast, efficient way to increase sales and leads without cold calling.

This unique program is a one-on-one solution for busy people who commit to referral selling and want to move forward quickly. We’ll work together for three months and take a deep-dive into your business goals and go-to-market approach. We’ll discover what’s working and what’s not. Together we’ll set referral goals and build your referral skills. In the end, you will:

  Get meetings with your top prospects in one call
  Fill your pipeline with only highly qualified leads
  Convert your best prospects into clients more than 70 percent of the time
   Identify at least 10 sources of referrals you can tap into immediately
  Get appointments with at least eight prospects on your target list
  Learn five easy steps to make referral selling a priority
  Master the specific language to obtain the perfect referral introduction
  Create a template for an ROI conversation that delivers a 10x return
  Discover how to steer clear of eight referral traps
  Avoid the 12 phrases that can derail your referral strategy

“Joanne’s referral process works so well that you’d better have the infrastructure in place to support all the referrals you’ll receive. I couldn’t believe all the business development opportunities my team had been missing out on. When we finally started asking for referrals, our clients were happy to help us grow the company and further our mission. Joanne’s Masters Program was the impetus I need to work ‘on’ my business and to truly become a sales leader for my company.”
— John Gabrys, Partner
VPS/ERP Visions

“Joanne put our team through an intense two-day workshop, followed by an extensive coaching program. Her knowledge and experience proved extremely valuable as she tailored each session to our needs, some we didn’t even know that we had! Simply put, we cannot say enough about Joanne’s professionalism and flexibility. Not only is she a pleasure to work with, the entire investment was more than paid for in new business contracts BEFORE we wrapped our initial engagement.”
—Jeremy Neuharth

How Does the Individual Masters Program Work?

The Masters Program combines my Referral Selling Course on LinkedIn Learning with private coaching to refine your referral skills. You receive six, 45-minute coaching calls interspersed with your completion of specific segments on LinkedIn Learning. The course is approximately 54 minutes of three-to-five-minute videos, which are all transcribed. There are exercise files (worksheets) for you to apply the learning to your business in preparation for our coaching calls.
Participants find coaching sessions bring the program to life and address the unique sales challenges they face in their day-to-day activities.

Think of it this way. Why do we need trainers at the gym? All the equipment is there. Because when someone is holding us accountable, we show up. We continue to refine our workout and build strength and tone, with renewed confidence. We practice. We have discipline.

Yet, most of us don’t commit to the same accountability and skills-building in our sales roles. Seems kind of dumb when you think about it, doesn’t it?

Referral selling means transforming your prospecting approach. What is a 70 percent conversion rate worth to you? Let this answer justify your investment of $2,850.
Ready to Begin?

Step 1: Review and sign a consulting and confidentiality agreement. All conversations are private and will keep you on track towards your specific goals. You agree to show up for our calls on time, complete your assignments, and arrive prepared.

Step 2: Complete the 14 “Yes/No” question Referral I.Q. Quiz and send to Joanne.

Step 3: Schedule your introductory “Discovery” call. You will answer specific questions about your business and referral goals. If you have a written sales process, sales and marketing plans, or any other written items germane to our work, please email them to me. You don’t need to prepare for this call. I will clearly outline the referral program and provide an online link to my course on LinkedIn Learning.

(After each call, you will receive detailed notes with your customized recommendations and action steps.)

Step 4: Complete this content on LinkedIn Learning:
The Business Case for Referrals

Why referrals work
What gets in the way?
What it takes to get results
Chapter Quiz

• Creating Business Impact
o Why clients don’t care about you
o Craft your business impact story
o Set goals and measure success
o Chapter Quiz

Step 5: Coaching Call Two

Step 6: Complete this content on LinkedIn Learning:
• Creating Business Impact
o Why clients don’t care about you
o Craft your business impact story
o Set goals and measure success
o Chapter Quiz

Step 7: Coaching Call Three

Step 8: Complete this content on LinkedIn Learning
• Redefining Your Targets
o Ask for the client you want
o Prioritize your referral sources
o Chapter Quiz

Step 9: Coaching Call Four

Step 10: Complete this content on LinkedIn Learning
• Asking for Referrals
o How to ask for a referral
o Wrong way to ask for a referral
o The right way to ask for a referral
o Use social media for referrals
o Chapter Quiz

Step 11: Coaching Call Five
Build your script to ask for referrals
Practice asking for referrals with two people in-person and receive feedback

Coaching Call Six
➤ Gather results
➤ Refine your script
➤ Outline action steps going forward
➤ Consider the option to continue coaching (two sessions per month for three months)

How Does LinkedIn Learning Work?

➤ LinkedIn Learning Referral Selling micro-learning course—Watch, follow along and learn new skills and approaches to prospecting. The course is approximately 54 minutes of three-five-minute videos. All the videos are transcribed.

➤ Exercise files (worksheets)—Apply what you’ve learned to your unique business

Now’s your chance to change the game. Build your skills, get coaching, and master referral selling. You’ll get in at the level that counts with just one call, while your competition is still wasting time calling people they don’t know, emailing reasons to talk, or connecting with disinterested strangers on social media.
Ready to hit your numbers without hitting the phones, with less sweat and results you can bank on?

Are You on Board? Get Started Now