I’m now the referral sales expert for The Sales Experts Channel, which is a collaborative community of global sales authors, speakers, trainers, coaches, researchers, thought leaders, and visionaries. Our mission is to provide educational and inspirational content for the global sales community.

There are 500+ on-demand presentations from hundreds of Sales Experts and Visionaries. Always free. Always fabulous. Come back to this page often for my most recent video presentation from the Channel with tips and resources to build your referral business.

And don’t miss my monthly TV sales show on The Sales Experts Channel, Back in the Black! Each month you’ll learn proven prospecting techniques my clients use to build a qualified sales pipeline and get their sales program back in the black – with referrals!


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No More Cold Calling, LLC
336 Bon Air Center #399
Greenbrae, CA 94904
+1 415-461-8763