Cold Calling is a waste of time and resources. People who don’t expect, or want your call are not your top prospects.
• Why cold calling is the bottom of the barrel—and how to tell when you are conducting a cold call, even when you think you aren’t
• Why referrals are gold—and yet almost no one is investing in their nurturing and development
• How to increase your conversion rate to more than 50%
• The 5 steps to run your referral business—and the biggest reason you’re not getting the referral business you think you’re entitled to…
• How to double your sales pipeline within 12 months—without adding to your marketing budget
Presentation Transcript
- 5 Tips to Get Started withReferral Selling
- Welcome!I’m Joanne Black
- 415-461-8763.
- Your Biggest Sales Challenge• Getting the meeting at the level thatcounts• A consistent stream of qualified leads• Converting prospects to customers• Overcoming objections
- Joanne’s Points of View Contrary to popular belief—keep an open mind!
- What is a Referral? Referred prospects know us and expect tohear from us.
- What is a Referral? You receive an introduction!
- The Referral Imperative. Without an introduction
- You Cold Call
- Joanne’s Point of View. No one should EVER have to cold call
- Joanne’s Point of View. Generating Qualified prospects is the mostimportant step in your sales process
- Generate Qualified Leads with Referrals. When you receive a qualifiedreferral, think about what happens…
- Why Referrals Work• You arrive pre-sold• You earn credibility and trust• Your sales time shortens• Competition goes away• There are no “hard” costs
- Why Referrals are KeyWhat percent of the time do you get anew client? 30% 50% 70% 90% 100%
- Increase Your ConversionsIncrease your conversions to 50% plus!
- Naomi Says…• Since I started applying yourtechniques, Ive gained access at a higherlevel in ten of my target accounts.• Three of which have already generatedbusiness in Fortune 500 companies!
- You Need a Targeted Strategy• Written referral sales plan• Weekly written referral goals• Methods to track and measure referrals• Accountability for results
- Do You Have a Targeted Strategy?© Copyright Joanne Black.
- Less than 30% of ALL salespeople ask for referrals• A high quality referred prospect is more than 40 times more likely to buy• Salespeople who actively seek and exploit referrals earn 4 to 5 times more
- Referrals Get You the Meeting Why Executives Meet with Salespeople• Research from The TAS Group– Referral from inside their company– Referral from a trusted source outside their company
- What it Takes1. Make referrals a priority2. Integrate into your sales process3. Create metrics4. Build skills5. Implement
- Jim Says…• Made my year in the first 6 months• My referral pipeline is full of potential thatsimply requires follow-up• “I am never going back.”
- Make Referrals a Habit• Apply for the six month intensive MastersProgram• Check out No More Cold CallingOnDemand•
- Kurt says…”Since starting the Referral Mastersprogram with Joanne Black, we have generated a 300% increase in businessdue to referrals.”
- Tips to Get Started1. Make referral selling your priority2. Integrate referrals into your process3. Set up referral metrics4. Build skills in referral selling5. Ask your favorite clients to introduce you.
- Big QuestionAre you ready to commit to referral selling?
- Apply Now—
- Referrals Are Your Hottest Leads
- Resources•• 415-461-8763••• @ReferralSales29
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