Here’s what you might have missed from No More Cold Calling this quarter.

“The best reason to do something is because it’s never been done before.” That’s what my first manager told me, and I’ve never forgotten her comment. 

Her words are just as true, if not more so, today. It’s easier to go along with what everyone else is doing—to write blogs, comment on social media, write catchy email subject lines, and rely on inbound marketing to fill your pipeline. 

My best advice for 2025: DON’T jump on the bandwagon; DO chart your own course.

I learned long ago that statistics are just numbers that can be configured to support almost any hypothesis. Innovators, pioneers, and rainmakers don’t just go along with the pack, chasing the next bright, shiny object. They put a stake in the ground for their beliefs, follow their gut, and leave their competition in the dust.

Technology has a place in selling even if sellers are still stumbling around trying to figure it all out. But in the battle between the old and new ways of selling, the sweet spot is somewhere in the middle. Let’s leave 2024 not with regrets but with gratitude for lessons learned and enthusiasm for the potential that lies ahead. Here’s to a New Year filled with growth, connection, and success—on our terms!

In the meantime, check out what you might have missed from No More Cold Calling this quarter:

Are You Tracking the Right Referral Success Metrics?

“Revenue is the only metric that matters.” Somebody actually wrote that in a recent blog post. If that’s how he manages his team, I’m glad I’m not one of his reps. Sure, revenue is our goal in sales. Beating our numbers is our passion and getting to Club is our reward. But in terms of sales metrics, revenue is a lagging indicator. We can measure revenue, but we can’t manage it. We can, however, measure and manage the key sales activities and behaviors that drive revenue. And since referral activities drive the most revenue, referral success metrics are the KPIs that matter most. (Read “Are You Tracking the Right Referral Success Metrics?”)

How to Turn Your Suspects Into Qualified Prospects

Ben confided in me about the four types of people in his database: suspects, prospects, clients, and the dead. Really? Curious, I asked Ben to clarify the difference between suspects and prospects. Suspects, he explained, were just names pulled from a list his company had purchased. And boy, were those supposed “leads” frustrating. No matter how many times he called—six to 10 attempts, easily—he couldn’t reach anyone. The cold calling was becoming a grind, and he dreaded picking up the phone. Prospects, though? A totally different story. Those were people referred to him by someone they trusted. When Ben reached out to these prospects, he got an appointment almost immediately. So, I asked him the obvious question: “Why are you wasting so much time on suspects who might not even need your product?” (Read “How to Turn Your Suspects Into Qualified Prospects”)

Without ROI, Your Sale Is DOA

You might have the coolest product on the market, but if you can’t justify ROI for your solution, sophisticated buyers won’t care one bit about your innovative functionality and exciting new features. In a business environment where budgets are tight and every dollar counts, buyers only care about one thing: How will what you’re selling improve their business results? They want to hear about measurable outcomes they can expect if they do business with you, and they want it explained in the form of sales ROI—Return on Investment. Forget the bells and whistles. Your clients want to know what you can do for them. (Read “Without ROI, Your Sale Is DOA”)

A Real Wake-Up Call for Thanksgiving

Esteemed author and global thinker Jill Konrath has a powerful message about how to create a better future together. I shared it with my audience on Thanksgiving, but it’s worth reading (and sharing) anytime during the holiday season—and beyond. We all need a wake-up call from time to time, and this one is timeless. (Read “A Real Wake-Up Call for Thanksgiving”)

Building Tomorrow’s Success: How to Capture New Sales Opportunities for 2025

By October, you have a more important goal than closing business for Q4. No, you don’t need your glasses to read that again. If your focus is on winning as much business as possible before year-end, you’ll be starting 2025 in a losing position—with a lackluster pipeline and few new sales opportunities for the New Year. Take your eyes off the Q4 prize for a moment. Your team should already be on the closing business trajectory. Keep them there. But to set your sales organization up for success in 2025, you also need to prioritize pipeline-building over last-minute deals and make referrals your priority. (Read “Building Tomorrow’s Success: How to Capture New Sales Opportunities for 2025”)