Have you ever been confused about your company’s vision? I have.

I’m not surprised that communication is the #1 driver of exceptional leadership. It’s common sense. It’s also becoming a common problem, considering effective communication is in increasingly short supply.

We see lack of communication in our companies, when we travel, when we shop, and at home. And we feel the results of it.

Travel is especially frustrating. Your flight’s late, and there’s no announcement about why. The pilot doesn’t greet you or tell you whether the flight will be smooth … or not. Let me know, for heaven’s sake, whether I’ll be early, late, or on time. Seems like such a simple request, doesn’t it?

Effective communication is at the heart of my favorite JFK story. President John F. Kennedy toured the NASA Space Center shortly after he announced the United States was going to send a man to the moon and bring him back safely by the end of the decade. Kennedy was wrapping up his visit when he came upon a janitor mopping the floor.

He asked the janitor, “What’s your job?” The response: “I’m helping put a man on the moon.” This is a clear, concise, and transferable communication from the leader of the free world. (Regardless of whether you believe the story, the answer is priceless.)

Communicating a vision isn’t easy, and most of the time, the message is garbled and unclear. Employees leave a presentation just as confused as before and even less committed. Been there? I have.

So, what’s the secret to effective communication for sales leaders? In Susan M. Heathfield’s post—What Daily Leadership Behaviors Inspire Employee Motivation?you’ll note the word “daily.” When your employees know their purpose, your vision, and the corporate path, they’re engaged and committed. It’s your job as a sales leader to transfer belief and inspire your team to succeed … and to do it daily.

Susan’s article shares advice from Jon Gordon, author of Soup: A Recipe to Nourish Your Team and Culture. He provides six tips for leaders who want to improve their communication skills—including “communicate daily with employees” and “transfer leadership’s optimism.”

My favorite: “Leadership builds relationships.”

(Read the rest of Susan’s article for more on effective communication for leaders.)